The research group Advanced Audiovisual Contents studies how to integrate innovation in daily life and how to detect people’s creativity, transforming it into bussiness opportunities for content industry. In addition, this group aims to set up a manufacturing sector of digital audiovisual contect in Andalusia based sound knowledge of market trends (user relationship –their new cultural practices- / contents and its narrative/ new media). The development of this network is supported by the leadership of University of Malaga and different companies with track record in developing content for digital media. It also has collaborators from different universities and other autonomous communities, which translates into an alliance that aims to deepen the user, content and business model, developi
Research Topics
- The new user: Cultural practices in the changing landscape of digital consumption.
- User-generated content and identity syndication.
- Content and networks: Virtualization and hipervinculation.
- Innovation in communication and culture, analyze trends (future studies in social sciences).
- Music industry and new cultural practices.
Scientific-Technical Services
- Audience profiling and audience behaviour (who uses it, how uses it, when uses it and why uses it).
- Preparation of audiovisual contents for new media art.
- Future studies in social sciences.
- Methodology for evaluation content.
Key areas
robotics economy social studiesContact
PAI Reference: SEJ435