The research activity of this group bears on the resolution of analytical problems by means of instrumental and mathematical techniques. The subjects dealt with include the development of detection systems for twodimensional formats, the improvement of the selectivity in spectroscopic measures and new intensifiers of the signal in chemoluminiscent processes. Regarding the latter line, mention should be made of the application of fluorescent biosensors for agro-feeding analysis.
Research Topics
- Analytical applications of spectroscopy with polarised light.
- Development of chemoluminiscent sol-gel biosensors.
- Analytical methods based on time measurements of the lifespan and/or anisotropy of fluorescence.
- Detection systems for two-dimensional formats. Application to fine-layer chromatography and immunoassays.
Scientific-Technical Services
- Use of fluorescent or chemoluminiscent biosensors for agro-feeding analysis.
- Detection and quantitative determination of chiral compounds.
- Methods for analysing pesticide and medicine traces.
Key areas
Main Researcher: AURORA NAVAS D?AZ
PAI Reference: FQM180
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