“Literature and Criticism in Andalusia: Unpublished Texts and Re-readings” (ANLIT-C in its Spanish acronym) is a research group focused on the southern-Spanish region of Andalusia which understand Literature as a way of culture, and Literary Studies as a critical tool to access knowledge. Its main goal is to valorise bibliographical and documentary collections made up of critical and creative works which are based in Andalusia. The aim is to make them public in order to enrich the Andalusian bibliographical patrimony, the Spanish literary panorama in all its periods and genres, and the critical perspectives involved in historiographical process to fix the literary canon.
Research Topics
- Unpublished or unknown texts related to Andalusia with special value for literary patrimony.
- Unpublished documents linked to Andalusia with special interest to Literature Historiography, Literary Criticism, and the canon review .
- Spanish Literature from the 16th to the 21st centuries (related to Andalusia).
Scientific-Technical Services
- Literary and Historiographical unpublished texts related to Andalusia: location, recovery, description, edition, study, and dissemination of its outcomings.
- Elaboration of inventories and scientific and patrimonial valuation of Andalusian bibliographic and documental collections (libraries and archives) which special literary interest for institutions and individuals.
- Critical review of the Spanish Literature from the 16th to the 21st centuries (related to Andalusia).
- Documentary tasks for the media, and the Cultural and Creative Industries.
- Design of cultural contents made for public and private institutions.
- Workshops and informal seminars directed towards educational innovation programs.
- Ortotypography work for oral and written texts as well as for dissertations.
Key areas
heritage literary studies culture education style correction literary documentationContact
Main Researcher: M.? BEL?N MOLINA HUETE
PAI Reference: HUM233