The research group Language, speech and voice evaluation and intervention examines the language learning mechanisms and language use (oral and written), speech and voice, their difficulties and disorders. This team emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, combining psycholinguistic, neuropsychological and otolaryngologic aspects of these problems. The 10 researchers who make up this group collaborate with the University of Granada, University of Seville, Univerrsité Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), University of Manchester, the Neuroscience Centre of Cuba, University of Murcia, University of La Laguna, Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception de Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Psychology of Perception Laboratory of National Center for Scientific Research) of
Research Topics
- Multicultural bilingual reading and writing learning.
- Learning difficulties evaluation and treatment in reading.
- Origin and development of dyslexia during the life cycle: from early childhood through adulthood.
- Medical-psychological assessment and treatment of speech and language difficulties in children.
- Medical-psychological assessment and treatment in patients with brain damage.
Scientific-Technical Services
- Guidance on how to improve the diagnosis of dyslexia.
- Diagnosis and treatment of dementias.
- Advice given on linguistic processes.
- Assessment and treatment of voice problems.
- Research on language disorders.
- Training on the control and use of language and voice for professionals.
Key areas
health psychology pedagogy educationContact
Main Researcher: JOS? A. ADRI?N TORRES
PAI Reference: CTS472